Ladies In Waiting

Waiting on Words

Tuesday Collab #6

Bouquet by Elizabeth Crawford 5/19/11


The bouquet
speaks flower language
with no words.
Its beauty
engulfs both eyes and senses
in admiration.

I breathe itโ€™s scents of lilac and lavender,
light perfumes drifting in violet haze.
But dreams cluster round like fragile old ladies,
their shadow-ghost beings gentle relics of time,
while memories, frail as paper-thin tissue,
hover and whisper through the length of my days.

Maiden Aunt’s
lavender and lace
a life lived
in quiet expectation,
minus surprises.

Jinksy 6/14/11

Tuesday Collab #6: Jinksy created a beautiful poem for this playing with the color purple I did last month. She will do a turn-about, using one of her images and my response on Thursday at her site, found here:

You are invited to respond to the image in whatever form or words you choose, either here in the comments section, or on your own blog. Please leave a URL so that everyone can take a look at your creation, and please take the time to visit those who do leave an addie. Thank you,

Elizabeth and Jinksy


  1. Here is my response ๐Ÿ™‚ –

    Again this was written before I scrolled and looked at Jinksy’s response, I shall allow myself to scroll down now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loved what you did with the image, Susannah. I worried that this one was just color, but both of you found very different places to go with it. I love the surprises that occur when we do these collabs. It’s active inspirtion and that’s not a bad space to share at any time. Thanks so much for pitching in.


  2. Another lovely image Elizabeth. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Jinksy I love your words! especially the final part. . .

    “But dreams cluster round like fragile old ladies,
    their shadow-ghost beings gentle relics of time,
    while memories, frail as paper-thin tissue,
    hover and whisper through the length of my days.

    Maiden Auntโ€™s
    lavender and lace
    a life lived
    in quiet expectation,
    minus surprises.”

    . . . there is something about that colour that conjures up all you have captured so well here. Actually after reading your words and looking again, the colours also remind me of dried hydrangeas, do you know what I mean?

    Very evocative, it stirred my emotions as well as my mind.. ๐Ÿ™‚ I really, really like this Jinksy. Nice work!

    • Dead hydrangeas have exactly the same pale fragility – how right our are! But not the scent…and lavender even encompasses the grey colour with its purple, doesn’t it? ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Please read ‘you’ for ‘our’ – though thinking about it, we all have a touch of the ‘our’ in these collaborations! Mind link is a wonderful thing…

  3. All nice and “floatie.” Nice images about the color.

    • Thank you Annell, it’s really nice to know that both are appreciated,


  4. I love the delicate beauty and then the fragile thoughts of lives unlived. All your words are pretty, but these really stand out,
    ” Maiden Auntโ€™s
    lavender and lace
    a life lived
    in quiet expectation,
    minus surprises”

    the beauty and faded memories that arrive as age takes hold. It is powerful; my neighbor is over 80 and goes and does more than me. I love the images that arrived, picking and arranging the quiet reflection of life.

    Oh, can you email me your snail mail address; I almost have the pay it forwards done~

    • Hi Ellen, good to see you here. I’ve sent you off an email and my apologies for being so slow about it. I am really enjoying these collaborative efforts. It’s such a wonderful surprise to see what happens, and it seems to fuel even more as we continue. Perhaps you would like to join in?


  5. Love the words, that go with the breathtaking image. Nicely done, girls.
    I will probably be contributing tomorrow. I am enjoying responding to these images.


    • So glad to hear that Pamela and pleased to have you join us. Thanks so much for playing along,


  6. Here’s an etheree for the image. Thanks again, Elizabeth and Jinksy.



    • Pamela, thank you for joining in, I love your image of bursting lights. The Etheree works beautifully.


  7. Wow, what great collaborations! I love Jinsky’s response to your art, Elizabeth. I just finished reading Susannah’s response to it, which is truly wonderful. You must be very pleased with both responses……….they both could not suit your image any better. Just lovely.

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