Ladies In Waiting

Waiting on Words

Tuesday Collab #9

Moonrise by Elizabeth Crawford

Moonrise 2 by p1ece5

Moonrise 3 by Jinksy


Moon eclipsed
by Earth’s own body
hides behind
misty veil
to cover her red blushes
at the thought of her lord Sun.

Jinksy 7/5/11

Tuesday Collab #9: This originally started out as a photograph, I took a couple of weeks ago, as the sun was setting in one part of the sky, while the moon rose in another. The photo was difficult to see as the moon was quite ghostly in appearance. So, wanting to preserve that ghostliness, I took the picture and put in some vapor like mists and clouds, to give it a bit more contrast. Then p1ece5 took my image and darkened it considerably, making a new image and a new emotive quality. When Jinksy saw the two images, she went for something in-between those two. The moon wears an incredible number of faces. So this week, you get three choices to respond to, or perhaps, like Jinksy, will write to all three.

On Thursday, with her Two In Tandem, Jinksy will put up one of her images to which I have responded. You can find her site here:

You are welcome to respond here, in the comments section, or on your own blog. Please leave a URL so that we may come and explore what you have created. I’m sorry but WordPress does not seem to like the Mr Linky app.


  1. Beautiful pictures I liked them all.

    I joined in again. 🙂

    Jinksy I love your words!

    • Hi Susannah, really like the two pieces you wrote. Each a different flavor and meaning. I’m so glad you are willing to play along with all of this.


  2. Beautiful pictures and gorgeous words!

    • Hi Mama Zen, and thanks. Sometimes my spamometer grabs things and then hides them on me. Sorry about that. But, really glad I did finally find this and your site.


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