Ladies In Waiting

Waiting on Words

I Saw Sunday Week 35


For I Saw Sunday Week 35

_ This week has been a blur of comings and goings, hellos and goodbyes. My youngest daughter, who lives about 150 miles from here, supervises an inventory crew. Her crew was called in to inventory a department store a few miles from my home. She had a 45 minute lunch break, so my oldest daughter and I brought her a late breakfast and we sat in my car and laughed and teased for our brief visit. It was all over way too soon.

Oldest Daughter, Sara


Youngest Daughter, Alyssa

_ Started a new venture here on this site. A collaboration of images and verse. Jinksy and I are doing a swap. This site on Tuesdays, her site on Thursdays. We’d love to have feedback as well as a wider collaborative experience. I have titled it simply Collab #1, and explain a bit how it came about. In the post, you can find Jinksy’s reciprocal Thursday post URL Hope you take a look and leave your thoughts.

_ On Wednesday, had lunch with my sister and some of her friends at an unusual restaurant called The Elegant Moose, which has a definite bistro atmosphere about it. Didn’t think to take any pics, still too new with the camera to remember I even have it at times. We had been there the month before and had delicious salads. Mine was a Cranberry Chicken with cashews over spinich. We decided that this time we’d try their incredible list of desserts. I had what was called The Parisian Street Vender Crepes, which turned out to be a very sophisticated version of a Turtle Sundae served over two very thin crepes. My sister had a Lemon Curd over Crepes, and another of the women had Cherries Jubilee over Crepes. Needless to say we shared, were more than satisfied, and I came home and took a nap.

_ Thursday I discovered that one of my favorite prompt sites is closing: Big Tent Poetry. Stunned. I did a farewell poem to the site where I started my poetry prompt journey. You can find it here:  It is a combination of things, a response to the final prompt, and a tribute to the poets there, as well as the facilitators of the site.

_ Thoughout the week, I have continued to play with the digital art. It is a stress reliever, and more necessary than usual. Here is the latest:

Bloom of Illusion

Hope you come and join us and tell us about your week.


  1. You have lovely daughters. Creperies abound in Normandy. A crepe Normande has slices of applem flambed with Calvados (apple brandy)

    • That sounds absolutely delicious Viv. And thanks for the compliments to my daughters. They are ten years apart in age and there is a lot of teasing that goes along with that. Youngest one made a crack about it as she approached the car and oldest one jumped out and chased her around the vehicle with squeals of laughter. We do have fun.


  2. earlybird

    Lovely girls and another good digital picture – excellent title!

    • Thank you Earlybird. The digital art is new to me and I find myself fascinated by it. I also like the title on this one which really was an experiment done in many layers.


  3. Love to hear about your week. My passed so quickly, I hardly know it happened at all. Your youngest is so cute and looks so sweet! I love to hear about the deserts, and your nap! Yes, collaborations are good.

    • As we both know, collaborations are great places for inspiration and wider experiences, Annell. My youngest is fun to spend time with, always laughter and tom-foolery when she’s around. It amazes me that she has four daughters, the oldest one fourteen. Says something about the need to have fun, doesn’t it?


  4. Nice photos of your daughters. 🙂

    I love the name ‘the elegant moose’ and those crepes sound delicious.

    I like the delicacy of your latest image, it reminds me of powdered paint or maybe lipstick used to make the flower. It has a fragility and femininity to it.

    I enjoyed your collaboration with jinksy and like the thought of the image/writing challenge.

    Have a good week. x

    • Thanks Susannah, maybe you can come and join us on Tuesday? I have no idea what to expect, just flying by the seat of my pants, as usual. Glad you liked the image and yes, I agree, there is a sense of fragility about it. Think that’s what I like about it as well,


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