Ladies In Waiting

Waiting on Words

I Saw Sunday Week 42

For I Saw Sunday Week 42

Spent a lot of time playing with the graphics programs this week. I have a friend who is patient and quite a whiz with the tools and skills necessary to use the programs. She and I have spent time on the chats this week. It allows us to swap images as well as speak to one another in real time.

One evening this past week, I looked out to see pink clouds in the sky. Grabbed my camera and went out on the patio and got several photos of the sunset. I often use them (especially the ones that don’t turn out well) to experiment with the effects on the paint programs. This is one such from that batch of sunset photos I had taken:

Decided to play with the colors, using a smudging tool. Ended up with this:

Early the next morning, my friend got on the chat and I told her what I had done and showed her the end result. Told her I wasn’t really sure how to proceed from that point. She asked if she could try a few things and I said, “Go ahead, do whatever you want.” This is what she ended up with, after only a half hour:

Now that’s what I call collaboration.

Each Tuesday, on this site, I host what I call Tuesday Collabs, offering images that Jinksy writes and responds to, then are thrown open to anyone who would like to respond in whatever words they choose. Jinksy does the same on Thursday, reversing the process by offering one of her images with my written response. Her site can be found here:  and her similar posts are titled Two In Tandem.  You are more than welcome to stop in and join in the fun. If you scroll down the home page, on this site, you can take a look at some of the previous Collabs, and more of my friend’s efforts as well as my own.

Hope you join us for I Saw Sunday and tell and/or show us what you saw in this past week.


  1. earlybird

    These are glorious, Elizabeth. I love the colours – incredibly restful. Fascinating to see the three together.

    • I’ve been putting up so many photos that I felt a need for a change of pace this week. And yes, I agree that it is intriguing to see the steps that can be taken. I do love sunsets in particular. Thanks for dropping by Earlybird,


  2. Inspirational – I didn’t know you could do that. Is it superimposing photos on smudge on photos?

    I looked into your collab opage, and promptly lost the link. Prompts are coming at me from all sides and I’m going doolally!

    • Viv, the first is the original photo. Then what happened when I smudged the photo. The third, I believe, is some partial photo images, superimposed on the smudging. Does that make sense at all? I’m very new to all of this and just having fun.

      The Collabs are right here on this site, every Tuesday. And I know what you mean about all the prompts. I’ve just curtailed myself to a few and am far more satisfied by doing that.

      I loved what you did this morning. The humor was an absolute necessity today. Thanks,


  3. Isn’t it fun playing with images! 🙂

    I love them all but especially the second one, which looks to me like a distant view across a misty meadow to woodland beyond.

    Thanks as always for joining in at I Saw Sunday. x

    • Thank you Susannah, I like all three and for different reasons. And yes it is a great deal of fun. I can easily get lost in the colors and often do,


  4. The middle image works for me exactly as it is, it’s so atmospheric. 🙂

  5. Thanks Jinksy, but again, I like all three, they each speak to me differently about different emotions and memories of time and space. Especially like the water effect in the third one.


  6. Interesting indeed to see the three pictures and what can be done! I do like both the second and third. I AM going to have to try this at some time. A new dimension to creativity. Thanks for the heads up!

    • Thanks for taking the time to look, Mary. I think the image making actually enhances the writing process, keeping one aware of the importance of detail especially in creating written imagery. Lots of other things as well. Just as the writing informs the visual art. Hope you do try it. I am certainly enthusiastic about the whole creative process in general.


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