Ladies In Waiting

Waiting on Words

The Fire Within


For Poets United Thursday Think Tank:  Fire

The Fire Within

The Hermit found
friendship in the fire.
sometimes only

The Prophet
heard Truth
in the flames.
At times, a roar
so deafening
it singed the ear.
Other times,
no more than a whisper
only she could hear.

The Poet saw Life
teasing forth Life
in all of its eagerness
to be.

Together, these three
tend the fire.
Feed it with their dreams,
their stories,
their hopes, and wishes.
They are satisfied, content
in their commitment
to keep the fire
alive and burning.

Elizabeth Crawford  1/27/11


  1. Wonderfully written, ^_^ Awesome post, =)


    • Thank you Weasel, once I realized how to do it, it actually came rather easily. That’s always nice when it happens. Liked your poem as well, wonderful vivid language,


  2. Keepers of the flame indeed….a wonderful write Elizabeth! 🙂

    • Carrie, we are each of us the Keepers of The Flame within us. I really like that thought. Thank you,


  3. Wow, Elizabeth!
    You have found the perfect words
    with this piece.

    • The interview reminded me of the Call piece and suddenly all of this fell into place. Love it when that happens. Thanks Pamela,


  4. Rinkly Rimes

    Beautifully expressed.

    • Thank you, Brenda. I’ve always wanted to add something to The Call piece. And I guess this is that something. Hope there is more.


  5. WOW! This is the most amazing poem! My favorite of yours, right up there with the Dead Women poem!!!!!! The three elements of poetry – the Hermit, the Prophet and the Poet………I totally love it! GREAT writing!

    • Thank you Sherry, for everything you have done and are doing. The interview made me think of this as a response. Isn’t it great when things come together?


  6. Wow, what a threesome! 🙂

    Loved this on so many levels.

    • Susannah, I always knew there was more than just that one poem. There is a story there, one that lies between that first piece and this one. Will continue waiting and thanks for your generous response,


  7. Old Ollie

    Most excellent philosophy.

    • Old Ollie, thanks for reading and commenting. Took a long time to realize that I actually do have a philosophy, one that really satisfies,


  8. I learned so much from your wonderful interview. And I love the feeling of completeness I receive when reading this poem.

    • Hi Margo, the interview was fun, even if it took place during Christmas week. Sherry is a wonderfully supportive and enthusiastic listener.

      I really enjoyed writing this and getting reacquainted with these three pieces of personality. Have a feeling I might be hearing more from them.

      Thanks for stopping and commenting,


  9. Amazing imagery. Really nice read.

    • Thank you Kim. These three seem to be in the act of making themselves heard. It will be intriguing to see them continue.


  10. I love the three elements, like sages each seeing something important, together a mutual wisdom!
    This was wonderful; I loved it~

    • Hello Ellen, I believe if we truly listen, we can hear each one and what she has to offer. Thanks for the visit and I look forward to more. Really like the header on your site,


  11. So beautiful the thought of the woman in her red shoes, tending the fire. Very good!

    • Annell, what else would she be wearing,lol? Although, because she is me, I’m afraid they would more than likely be some form of comfy slippers,


  12. Beautiful, Elizabeth…..what person could want more than friendship, truth, and life. FIRE yields many blessings if one can avoid being burned…..don’t you think?

    • Hi Mary. Actually, I’m not sure we can avoid being burned on occasion. There seems to be some sort of balance to all of it. We learn from those painfilled places. We either withdraw, or grow stronger. I’m still working on bringing and giving a balance between these three (they don’t always necessarily agree), and we do learn as we go. Just know that I need all three and am stronger when they are equally present. Thanks for your thoughts as always,


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