Ladies In Waiting

Waiting on Words

Remnant of Another Life


For Poets United Thursday Think Tank prompt: Ghosts

Remnant of Another Life

We once lived together,
but never as real friends.
We shared a life
bordered by your anger,
strife that vibrated
through your being
and echoed deep
within my own.

Know we once shared
laughter, spoke of future,
slept in same bed
even loved one another,
in our own fashion.
But that passion was
devoid of any genuine
or lasting affection.

Remnant of past,
you come back now,
only on rare occasions.
Like insubstantial ghost
who still seeks light
not yet encountered.
No longer spend hours
trying to understand.
I never will.

Don’t wish it were
otherwise. At least
that ghost of memory
knows not to linger,
attempt to cling
to something that,
perhaps should never
have been.

Instead, in those more
and more infrequent
moments, I hear ugly
words, see swift thrust
of angry fists, know
only gratitude for woman
who gathered herself,
turned away and finally left.

Elizabeth Crawford  3/10/11


  1. The last three lines soothed me after reading to that point. Thank you for ending that way!

    • Thank you Kim, it’s a true story. No other way to end it.


  2. Smart woman…I am glad she left this ghost and hopefully he will fully disappear from his haunting of her past….bkm

    • bkm, he’s been fading for years, as most ghosts do. No reason for sticking around. Thanks for reading and commenting,


  3. Oh Elizabeth,I can so relate to every single word. I know the feelings so well. Also with such relief that we gathered ourselves and turned away. What a profound poem. Loved every line. I could have written the very same poem! Sisters!

    • Thank you Sister. I thought of you when writing it. And glad you enjoyed it.


  4. This piece blazes with power and truth, Elizabeth. So glad you got glad that even the ghost is losing his hold on you. You rock….


    • Thank you Lynette. I rock! That one definitely goes in the kudo box. I was present the first time a young person said that to my mother. She was absolutely delighted, and about 88 years old at the time. Thank you for that memory, we lost her just a little less then a year ago. Talk about trace elements, whew!


  5. Elizabeth, I felt every phrase and am glad that she found her power, that we all found our way back… so real, this poem, so sad – yet in the end, how triumphant! Thank you. Amy (here’s mine)

    • Thank you Amy. I am glad I wrote it, it was long past due. They come when they will and how they will. I often feel that I am no more than a messenger.


  6. Old Ollie

    Nice take on the prompt.

    • Thanks Old Ollie and congrats on the interview. It was an enjoyable read,


  7. ghost of memories are haunting indeed, well done.

    • Jingle, ghosts like memories often haunt us. They remind us there is still work to be done. Thanks for stopping and commenting,


  8. Elizabeth, unfortunately this does happen in
    some relationships. It is hard to walk away,
    but in the end, it can be a saving grace.
    I could tell you a story or two, none of which
    I am willing to write about just yet.
    I admire your braveness with this.


    • Not braveness Pamela, just time to speak. Thank you and yes, we all have stories to tell. They come in their own due time.


  9. Elizabeth,
    A griping account of a sad experience, I sense.
    Best consigned to the past, in every way.


    • Eileen, I believe that those memories come back for a reason. All things happen for a reason. I believe, when these particular memories come back, it is to remind me of all that I have accomplished since then. We can and should change the end of the story when we are able.


  10. Elizabeth,
    Yes, the haunting of the living and the sadness they can bring. I am glad you moved on and he doesn’t linger~ Well Done!

    • It’s been a long time Ellen, so I was surprised when he came with the prompt. My daughter read it and said she was glad at the way I ended it and it made her feel strong as well. That was worth every word.


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